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Querying Basics

The standard way to fetch data with EF is using “LINQ to Entities”. There are two possible syntaxes for LINQ. One is the query expression syntax and the other one in the method-based query syntax.

1//Query syntax:
2IEnumerable<int> numQuery1 =
3from num in numbers
4where num % 2 == 0
5orderby num
6select num;
1//Method syntax:
2IEnumerable<int> numQuery2 = numbers.Where(num => num % 2 == 0).OrderBy(n => n);

The method syntax is the most popular one and this is the one that I will be using.

Query execution workflow

When you execute a query like this:


Entity Framework (EF) follows these steps:

  1. Query preparationThe query is translated by Entity Framework Core to a different representation of the query. The translated query is cached so this processing only happens once.
  2. Query to SQLThe result of the query preparation is passed to the database provider. The database provider decides what part of the query can be executed on the server and what parts of the query can only be executed on the client. Then the provider will build the SQL query for the database it works with. For example, the query might become: SELECT * FROM Inventory
  3. Query executionThe provider sends this SQL query to the database for execution and returns a result set (a table-like structure).
  4. Materialize ResultsEF maps this result set to C# entity objects. (The raw database table rows are converted into instances of your defined Entity Framework model classes.)
  5. Start Change TrackingEF begins tracking changes on these objects. This allows EF to detect any modifications (additions, updates, deletions) you make to these objects so that they can later be persisted back to the database.
Query execution workflow

In the above steps step 1 and 2 are executed when the query is initialised. Step 3 and so on will be triggered at a later step.

Here is a list of the most common query execution triggers:

  1. Looping through the query result (for, foreach, while)
  2. Calling some of these LINQ methods: ToList(), AsEnumerable(), Count(), Min(), Max(), Find(), First(), FirstOrDefault(), Single(), SingleOrDefault(), Last(), Average(), Sum() and more

Loading single result

You can use methods like Find(), First(), FirstOrDefault(), Single() to pull a single entry from the database.

1var context = new SupermarketContext();
2using (context)
4    var item = context.Inventories.Single(x=>x.InventoryId == 1);

The result of this code is the following SQL select:

Query execution workflow

Loading a list of results

You can use methods like ToList(), AsEnumerable(), Take() to pull a list of entries from the database.

1var context = new SupermarketContext();
2using (context)
4    var item = context.Inventories.ToList();

The result of this code is the following SQL select:

Select to list

Chaining queries

We can write a chain of query expressions that will result in one single sql statement. You can use this when you have a very long and complicated query logic. That way you can separate the logic into smaller pieces.

1var context = new SupermarketContext();
2using (context)
4    var results = context.Inventories
5    .Where(i => i.CreatedDate > DateTime.Now.AddDays(-30))
6    .OrderBy(i => i.Name)
7    .Select(i => new { i.InventoryId, i.Name })
8    .ToList();

The result of this code is the following SQL select:

Chain query

Entity Framework will translate the chain of queries into a single SQL query and will send it to the database. This will help you write clean and more organised code, while ensuring only a single db call is made.

Loading navigational and collection properties

Navigational and collection properties of an entity are not loaded by default. You can include them in your entity using one of the 3 techniques.

  1. Eager Loading

    In this method you can use the Include() method to indicate which related properties must be loaded with the entity.

    1var context = new SupermarketContext();
    2 using (context)
    3 {
    4     var results = context.Inventories.Include(item => item.Store).ToList();
    5 }

    In this example each of the inventories in the list will also include the Store navigational property.

    To access nested properties, chain the ThenInclude() method as shown below.

    1var context = new SupermarketContext();
    2using (context)
    4    var results = context.Inventories
    5        .Include(item => item.Store)
    6            .ThenInclude(store => store.LegalDocuments).ToList();

    To add multiple navigation properties under the same navigational parent you can call Include() on the same parent multiple times. In the example below I called Include() on the Store twice and then loaded different second level navigation properties (LegalDocuments,Owner).

    1var context = new SupermarketContext();
    2using (context)
    4    var results = context.Inventories
    5        .Include(item => item.Store)
    6            .ThenInclude(store => store.LegalDocuments)
    7        .Include(item => item.Store)
    8            .ThenInclude(store => store.Owner).ToList();
  2. Explicit Loading

    Another way to load navigation properties is by using the DBContext.Entity() API. The explicit loading can only be done on one entry at a time.

    1var context = new SupermarketContext();
    2using (context)
    4    var store = context.Stores.Find(1);
    5    var storeEntry = context.Entry<Store>(store);
    6    storeEntry.Collection(s => s.Inventory).Load();
    7    storeEntry.Reference(s => s.Owner).Load();

    Note: If an entity is already loaded and tracked by the change tracker, you can issue a separate query to load its related records. The change tracker will automatically associate the loaded related entities with the tracked entity and update the navigation properties accordingly.

  3. Lazy Loading

    Lazy loading in EF Core is a feature that automatically loads related navigation properties on-demand when they are accessed. By default, all virtual navigation properties are configured for lazy loading. However, starting with EF Core 8, lazy loading is disabled by default. To enable it, you need to install the Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Proxie package and configure your DbContext to use lazy loading by calling UseLazyLoadingProxies in the context's configuration.

    1protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
    2 {
    3     if (optionsBuilder.IsConfigured == false)
    4     {
    5         optionsBuilder.UseSqlServer("Server=localhost\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=SuperMarket_Dev;Integrated Security=True;TrustServerCertificate=True;");
    6         optionsBuilder.UseLazyLoadingProxies();
    8         base.OnConfiguring(optionsBuilder);
    9     }
    10 }

    Lazy loading will guarantee you that the navigational properties will alway be loaded but have some risks associated with it like the N+1 problem. It's important to note that each time you access a related property, a separate SQL query is triggered. In large-scale applications with extensive related data, this can result in performance bottlenecks due to the increased number of database calls.

What is AsNoTracking?

AsNoTracking() is a performance optimization method that disables Entity Framework’s change tracking. Often, an API only needs to pull data from the database and pass it to a client for visualization. In such cases, when data is used in a read-only manner, change tracking becomes unnecessary. Queries marked as non-tracking will not monitor changes to the retrieved data, which, in turn, improves the performance of your application. Note that because the result set is not tracked any updates made to them will not be applied.

1var store = context.Stores.AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefault(x=>x.Id == 1);
2var stores = context.Stores.AsNoTracking().ToList();

In the following examples the position of AsNoTracking in a query that includes related data has no effect on the final results. In all cases the selected object and its navigational properties are not tracked.

1var store = context.Stores.AsNoTracking()
2    .Include(x => x.Inventory)
3    .Include(y => y.LegalDocuments).FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == 1);
7var store = context.Stores
8    .Include(x => x.Inventory)
9    .Include(y => y.LegalDocuments).AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == 1);
13var store = context.Stores
14    .Include(x => x.Inventory).AsNoTracking()
15    .Include(y => y.LegalDocuments).FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == 1);